What is this blog?

Sorry, I no speak English well very… Nah, just jokin’ though I’ve learned English mostly from Cartoon Network (early 90’s, so not nowadays fucked up toons), comic books and Slayer booklets. I’m from Poland, country famous of metal music (Behemoth, Vader), prog rock music (Riverside) and jazz (Możdżer, Stańko), but there are lots of great bands doing some crazy shit that whole world should listed to. That’s why I’ve made this blog, to show music maniacs with open heads that we know how to make them insane here in Poland, land of high taxes and cheap wine.

I will give You all kind off asskicks: metal, punk rock, post-whatever, shoegaze, blues, jazz, electronic and all kinds of experimental craziness. There’ll be no rating in those reviews cause whatever kicks ass must’ve highest rate. Hope You’ll discover some of the greatest tunes in Your life. Bless, Thundercock.